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In my last post I said I’ll share with you why I decided to use Ghost looking at all the free blogging platforms around, such as Blogger, Worpress and the rest.

Yes I know, I have a blog on Blogger why I used to share my ideas and thoughts. I can login and write a blog post any where thanks to Google.

Since Ghost runs on Node.js, I have it set up on my laptop running Linux Mint 17.1 first.

I choose Ghost out of my quest to install and try popular CMS Content Management System software Wordpress and Drupal locally then the new kid Ghost popped up.

After reading about it’s features I decided to try it out. It took me days to get Ghost up and running. I toured it and love its simplicity. Quickly I found out I can use Ghost with Github static pages. Then I thought of moving over.

One thing I like about Ghost is using markup for publishing, that sounds cool to me.

Also, there lot of free responsive themes available. Plus am able to customize these to my liking. I was able to get get Disqus running.

Now how am I able to publish blog posts? This is the part that most people might not want to try because it’s a involving a little but hey is an adventure :).

Since Ghost is on my local machine, I just spin up my local Node.js server to start ghost and I can access it at port 2368 on localhost. Whenever am done with a blog post I use the Buster tool to deploy to Github and that is how you’re able to see and read :).

Thanks for passing by and hope you’re gonna enjoy my ideas, thoughts and updates.
