BarCamp Tema 2015 BarCamp Tema 2015 was a FREE networking and mentoring organized by The GhanaThink Foundation.

It took place at the Tema Rotary Club Center. It was my first BarCamp for this year and my third time at BarCamp Tema.

The theme for this year’s BarCamp Tema was:

Create, Impact, Sustain

Speed Mentoring is K at BarCamps. I was with only one mentor, you know why? Because she’s from @TigoGhana, Gifty Bingley. Am a long time Tigo user so I’ve got the opportunity ask lot of questions this time. Made it short used 5 out of 10 minutes. Asked questions related Social Media to network issues. That’s my Tigo for you :).

BarCamp Ghana is always matching Twitter handles to faces, networking. I believe in networking meeting new and old networks is something I love so much. Met old and new folks as well.

Enock, Leslie and Tigo agent Myself, Leslie and Tigo agent.

As a member of the Ghana Volunteer Program team, I was called upon to talk about GVP. Where I also talked about GVP’s Volunteer Sign Up.

Oh! That’s myself and Gameli, Thanks Kajsa:

BarCamp Tema 2015 ended with two patriotic songs: Arise Ghana Youth for Your Country and the Ghana National Anthem in Ga.

Want to say thank you to all BarCamp Tema 2015 sponsors: supported by Tigo Ghana, Rotaract Club of Tema, Making All Voices Count (MAVC), BLU Telecommunications

For more on BarCamp Tema, checkout the hashtag #bctema on Facebook, Twitter, G+ and Instagram.
