HOT Activation Workshop, Dar Es Salaam

I was priviledge to be part of the first Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) workshop that took place in Dar Es Salaam as part of the Africa Open Data Conference (AODC). We all know about Google Maps; right? How many have heard of OpenStreetMap? Well OpenStreetMap is a free map of the world that anyone can contribute to; just like Wikipedia of maps. The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT), an NGO that works to train, coordinate, and organize mapping on OpenStreetMap for humanitarian, disaster response, and economic development, has mobilized volunteers from around the world to help map since the Haiti earthquake in 2010....

October 20, 2015

Talking Volunteerism @ BarCamp Takoradi 2015

Greetings, This post has taken too long to be put together not because I decided to to so intentionally but conditions beyond my control but rest assured all is up and running. BarCamps in Ghana are free networking and mentoring events that provide people; especially youths and entrepreneurs the platform to shawcase themselves, what they’re doing and meet others of same interest. I was at BarCamp for three reasons Met old and new networks To talk about Wikipedia and other Wikimedia Foundation projects To get mentored It was great to meet new and old folks....

October 20, 2015

National Volunteer Day 2015 - #NVDay15

ORGANIZE OR JOIN A NATIONAL VOLUNTEER DAY ACTIVITY AROUND SEPTEMBER 21ST The Ghana Volunteer Program (GVP) is a program being run by the GhanaThink Foundation, an NGO based both in Ghana and the USA. National Volunteer Day, which falls around the 21st of September each year, is our major activity. It was instituted as part of GVP in 2013. This year, the event falls within the 19th – 21st Sept 2015 time frame....

September 16, 2015

[CodeforGhana] OpenData Hack Night

Greetings. Over the weekend (31 July - 1 August) myself and other Ghanaian OpenData enthusiasts and hackers were present at the OpenData Hackathon organized by CodeforGhana and NITA. It was great and fun but one thing I really was disappointed about was the absence of persons from NITA. I was expecting them as the hackathon was in partnership with them. I really had lot of questions for them though. It was all about OpenData and most datasets used were downloaded from Data....

August 6, 2015

First OpenStreetMap Workshop, Ghana

Participants after workshop. Photographer: Sylvester On June 27, 2015, I was in Madina, Accra for and OpenStreetMap (OSM) workshop, this was the first time people in Ghana have gathered to edit and discuss OSM. This was in relation on the Accra Floods and putting Ghana on the map. Thanks to CodeforGhana for providing the platform. Maps are very important in our daily lives. Time spend on the phone asking for directions to a location can be eliminated if you know the location’s address; say; 37 Golden Hills Avenue, Tarkwa....

June 28, 2015